
“Flood style tips have large open passages and will not easily plug,” the manager of cycospray said. “Many times, this tip is utilized as a pre-emerge application tip. The large droplets are perfect for soil-applied products in broadcast applications.”

Determine “MPH”: Select an appropriate ground speed in miles per hour (MPH) for the spraying field. Experience is the best guide here. Generally, speeds between three and 7 MPH are considered appropriate for ground sprayers. Do not rely solely on speedometers as an accurate measure of ground speed, especially on older tractors. Slippage and tire size variations can result in speedometer errors of 30 percent or more. The following equation can determine ground speed:

Critical factors to consider when selecting nozzles are droplet size, chemical mode of action, and the location of the targeted pathogen. Contact mode of action products requires adequate coverage of the leaf blade. You should apply these products through a nozzle that produces a fine to medium droplet size. In contrast, products that target a pest in the soil can be applied through nozzles which produce much coarser droplets.

Regular flat-fan nozzles are used for most broadcast spraying of herbicides and certain insecticides when foliar penetration and coverage are not required. These nozzles produce a flat oval spray pattern with tapered edges (Figure 1). They are available in spray-fan angles of 65, 80, and 110 degrees and are usually spaced 20 inches apart on the boom at the height of 15-24 inches.

The recommended operating pressure for regular flat-fan nozzles is 20 to 30 psi. At these pressures, this nozzle type will produce medium to coarse drops that are not as susceptible to drift as the more OK drops produced at 40 psi or more significant pressures. At these higher pressures, the possibility of drift increases significantly, so we must take appropriate precautions to minimize its effects.

Selecting the proper sprayer nozzle type is essential for proper pesticide application. The nozzle is a significant factor in determining the amount of spray applied and Uniform application Coverage reaching its target surface Nozzles break the liquid into droplets, form the spray pattern, and propel the droplets in the proper direction. They also determine the spray volume at operating pressure, travel speed, and spacing. We can minimize drift by selecting nozzles that produce the largest droplet size while providing adequate coverage at the intended application rate and pressure. We want to help you find the perfect nozzle for your application, so we’ve researched each type better to understand the pros, cons, and differences. Best Sprayer Nozzles for Applying Herbicides Flat-Fan Sprayer Nozzles (Even, Twin-Orifice, Off-Center, Air-Induction) Flood Sprayer Nozzles Hollow-Cone Full-Cone Download our Nozzle Selection Sheet Even Flat-Fan Sprayer Nozzle. Even flat-fan nozzles are utilized in banding applications (as opposed to broadcast spraying)


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