Choosing the proper blasting nozzle can significantly help at the blasting site. When you have a large project with a large surface area, some nozzles can produce a wider spread to help you cover as much area as possible in as little time. There are nozzles for projects with more acceptable substrates and nozzles that help you retain media when sandblasting small or thin surfaces. So let’s take a closer look at which nozzles will help you get the job done as efficiently as possible.

Sandblasting Nozzle Shapes
The shape of the nozzle “hole” determines the blasting pattern.
There are two main types of nozzle orifices; straight and venturi. A straight hole will produce a tight blast pattern, which helps with smaller jobs that require more precise blasting, such as thin metal strips on a chair or armrest.
The venturi hole produces a broader blast pattern that helps increase the abrasive speed as it leaves the nozzle. These two characteristics of the venturi nozzle help it be more efficient for larger jobs with large surface areas.
Types of sandblasting nozzles
Here is a quick video introduction to all the nozzles available in the Dustless Blasting Online Store.
SLV Nozzles
The “Standard Long Venturi” nozzle creates a sizeable circular blast pattern, making it an incredibly versatile nozzle that is a good choice for almost any situation.
Fan Nozzle
The Fan Nozzle forms a slim oval shape that allows for a broad, comprehensive removal pattern. By expanding the area of the blast pattern, the impact of the media on the surface is reduced. This is ideal for brush blasting or other applications requiring low impact.
ST Nozzles
ST nozzles provide a very compact and clean flow of blasting media. This is useful for precision work, such as getting into any remaining nooks, corners, crevices, or hard-to-reach project areas after the brunt of the work has been completed. The compressed flow means that there is also very little wasted media.
XL Performance Nozzles
XL Performance nozzles increase the speed of abrasive particles, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency. Part of that efficiency is the ability to use greater standoff distances, which will allow the media stream to become more expansive, thus allowing you to cover more items in less time.
Nozzle Size and Your Air Supply
Nozzles are measured by their inside diameter, which is expressed in numbers. The numerical size represents 1/16″ increments. For example, a #5 nozzle has an inside diameter of 5/16″ while a #6 nozzle has an inside diameter of 3/8″ (6/16″).
To find the most efficient nozzle, you will need to determine the following.
How much air per minute (CFM) your available compressor can deliver
The nozzle pressure (PSI) you want to maintain for efficient blasting
When it comes to the actual purchase of blasting nozzles, you may encounter other problems, and this is when it is essential to choose the proper blasting nozzle manufacturer, such as CYCO Spray, where our professional sales staff can answer all of your purchasing questions and select the most appropriate nozzle for your actual project needs.